EHS and EMS Football: Parent Meetings, High School: August 2nd at 6 PM in the Marshall Gym, Middle School: August 12th at 6:15 PM in EHS Cafeteria

There will be a Parent Meeting for the Eastland High School Mavericks Football Team on August 2nd at 6 PM in the Marshall Gym. While the meeting is taking place, the football locker room will be open for boys who need to be fitted for a helmet, shoulder pads, or need time to check equipment before practice starts on Monday.

The Parent Meeting for the Eastland Middle School Mavericks Football Team will be on August, 12th at 6:15 PM in the EHS Cafeteria, following EMS Meet the Teacher night.

Both of these meeting will contain valuable information for parents about the upcoming season, including: season schedules, schedules for 2-A-Days, sign-ups for Sports You (the app coaches will use to communicate with parents), sign-ups for the Booster Club, and a discussion of information like supplemental insurance and Physical / UIL Compliance forms and the Athletic Policy.

Important Upcoming Dates for Football:

August 2nd - HS football Parents Meeting

August 5th - 2-A-Days start, Players report at 2 , practice starts at 3

August 9th - Pictures at 11:30 / Fish fry - evening at Brownings

August 10th - Meet Mavs - 6:00 PM / 7:00 PM Red Black Scrimmage

August 12th - JH parent meeting 6:15 PM - HS Cafeteria

August 15th - Thursday - Scrimmage - at DeLeon

August 22nd - Thursday - Scrimmage - Millsap at Eastland