The Eastland ISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved a $12.2 million bond referendum to be included in the May 2017 election.
Registered voters may vote at any polling site during the EARLY voting period.
Early voting will be April 24-29 and May 1-2. Election Day is May 6 at the Eastland County Courthouse.
You must be registered to vote at least 30 days prior to May 6, 2017, Election Day. To participate in this election, the deadline to register is April 6, 2017. To verify your voting registration status, visit the Online Voter Central website.
To request a Voter Registration application online, click here or visit your local post office.
Texas now requires a photo ID in order to vote. For more information visit the Vote Texas website.
**THURSDAY 4/27 at Eastland High School. 7am-7pm**
SATURDAY 4/29 at Eastland County Courthouse from 7am-1pm
Thursday 4/27 at Eastland High School from 7am-7pm.
4/24,4/26,4/27,4/28 at Eastland County Courthouse 8am-5pm.
4/25 at Eastland County Courthouse from 7am-7pm
4/29 at Eastland County Courthouse from 7am-1pm
5/1 at Eastland County Courthouse 8am-5pm.
5/2 at Eastland County Courthouse 7am-7pm.
5/6 at Eastland County Courthouse 7am-7pm.
BOND 2017
This page is dedicated to helping inform EISD constituents about the upcoming bond election in May 2017. For the Order and Notice of election please click the document links on the left side of the screen.