Siebert Registration 2020

Siebert Parents, 

     This year we will be doing registration different from in years past.  We will be completing registration online through the parent portal site to maintain safety and follow TEA guidelines.  Some parents at the elementary level use Parent Portal to access their child’s grades and those parents will need to log on, go to the summary page, and click registration under their child’s name.  Many have not used parent portal before and will need to create a new account to be able to complete online registration. 

Here are steps to follow when registering:

1. Go to the following link.

2. Select "create account” 

3. Create a username and password.

4. Put in your email address and phone number. Use the same email that you have given the school in the past. 

5. Once you do this, it will send you an email to verify the email address.  Follow the instructions on that email.  

6.  Once you are on, to add your student you will need their parent portal ID and birthday.

Your child's homeroom teacher will have the parent portal ID and the email address that is listed in our TxEIS system. 

7.  After you add them, click on registration underneath their name.  After you complete a form, it is important that you select "save" before selecting "next form."


     If you have a student that will be new to the district, you will click on the same link but you will need to scroll down to the bottom left where is says “New Student Enrollment” and click “Create Account” and follow the steps.


Teachers have begun reaching out and giving parents information on email address and parent portal id for the child. 


Any other questions or issues please feel free to email Mrs. Thayer , Mrs. Johnson, and Mr. Chesser or call 254-631-5080.


Please complete by May 29.  Thank you for your patience and working with us through the online registration process. 


Brandon Chesser

Principal Siebert Elementary