Below are some tips to help navigate through our new website.
- To find a campus, click SCHOOLS.
- Click MENU to access all section tabs
- The white circle headings are quick links. Below those are tabs which when clicked, may have drop-down menus for more options.
- On the EISD page, there is a circle heading called Documents which allows access to all documents that were previously posted on the web-page.
- On EHS and EMS pages, there is an Athletics circle heading that is a quick link to the Athletic Schedules. There is also an Athletics tab where you can find schedules, forms, the facilities map and a list of sports participated in at that campus.
- The Staff circle heading takes you to all staff members for that campus. Many teachers have web-page addresses below their email addresses where you can click and find more detailed information. There is a drop-down arrow to narrow your search for administration, counselors, teachers, coaches, cafeteria, paraprofessionals, and maintenance.
- On the top right corner of the website, there is a search button to provide another way to find information.