Congratulations to EHS seniors, Brandon Fielding, Peyton McClain, and Dylan Wilson on being selected to the Padilla Poll Coaches
2020 All-State Team.
Just a reminder that there will be no school on January 14th and 15th. Enjoy the long weekend!
Eastland ISD will not have school on Monday 1-11-21 due to inclement weather conditions.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
In keeping with Eastland ISD’s practices to respond to COVID-19, we are notifying all student families that a STUDENT who was lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 was present on the campus of Siebert Elementary School on Tuesday, December 15. Due to privacy requirements, we will not be releasing the name of the individual or details that may identify him or her.
The District is working with local health officials and we have begun a case investigation. Campus administrators have contacted any individuals determined to be in close contact with the infected individual. We will keep you apprised of further updates that may be necessary.
While we do not have reason to believe that those who were not in close contact with the infected individual have reason to be concerned, we ask that you, as always, to watch for symptoms of COVID-19.
Any of the following symptoms indicate a possible COVID-19 infection:
• Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit
• Loss of taste or smell
• Cough
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• Fatigue
• Headache
• Chills
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Shaking or exaggerated shivering
• Significant muscle pain or ache
• Diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
If you or any member of the EISD community does begin experiencing any of these symptoms in a way that is not typical, we encourage you to contact your physician. We encourage anyone in the EISD community who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 to please notify our school by contacting the campus administrator.
Dr. Jason Cochran - Superintendent
Eastland ISD
Dear Parent/Guardian,
In keeping with Eastland ISD’s practices to respond to COVID-19, we are notifying all student families that a STUDENT who was lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 was present on the campus of Eastland Middle School on Tuesday, December, 15. Due to privacy requirements, we will not be releasing the name of the individual or details that may identify him or her.
The District is working with local health officials and we have begun a case investigation. Campus administrators have contacted any individuals determined to be in close contact with the infected individual. We will keep you apprised of further updates that may be necessary.
While we do not have reason to believe that those who were not in close contact with the infected individual have reason to be concerned, we ask that you, as always, to watch for symptoms of COVID-19.
Any of the following symptoms indicate a possible COVID-19 infection:
Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit
Loss of taste or smell
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Shaking or exaggerated shivering
Significant muscle pain or ache
Diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
If you or any member of the EISD community does begin experiencing any of these symptoms in a way that is not typical, we encourage you to contact your physician. We encourage anyone in the EISD community who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 to please notify our school by contacting the campus administrator.
Dr. Jason Cochran - Superintendent
Eastland ISD
Dear Parent/Guardian,
In keeping with Eastland ISD’s practices to respond to COVID-19, we are notifying all student families that a STUDENT who was lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 was present on the campus of Eastland High School on Tuesday, December,15. Due to privacy requirements, we will not be releasing the name of the individual or details that may identify him or her.
The District is working with local health officials and we have begun a case investigation. Campus administrators have contacted any individuals determined to be in close contact with the infected individual. We will keep you apprised of further updates that may be necessary.
While we do not have reason to believe that those who were not in close contact with the infected individual have reason to be concerned, we ask that you, as always, to watch for symptoms of COVID-19.
Any of the following symptoms indicate a possible COVID-19 infection:
• Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit
• Loss of taste or smell
• Cough
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• Fatigue
• Headache
• Chills
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Shaking or exaggerated shivering
• Significant muscle pain or ache
• Diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
If you or any member of the EISD community does begin experiencing any of these symptoms in a way that is not typical, we encourage you to contact your physician. We encourage anyone in the EISD community who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 to please notify our school by contacting the campus administrator.
Dr. Jason Cochran - Superintendent
Eastland ISD
Dear Parent/Guardian,
In keeping with Eastland ISD’s practices to respond to COVID-19, we are notifying all student families that a STUDENT who was lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 was present on the campus of Eastland Middle School on Monday, December, 14. Due to privacy requirements, we will not be releasing the name of the individual or details that may identify him or her.
The District is working with local health officials and we have begun a case investigation. Campus administrators have contacted any individuals determined to be in close contact with the infected individual. We will keep you apprised of further updates that may be necessary.
While we do not have reason to believe that those who were not in close contact with the infected individual have reason to be concerned, we ask that you, as always, to watch for symptoms of COVID-19.
Any of the following symptoms indicate a possible COVID-19 infection:
• Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit
• Loss of taste or smell
• Cough
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• Fatigue
• Headache
• Chills
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Shaking or exaggerated shivering
• Significant muscle pain or ache
• Diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
If you or any member of the EISD community does begin experiencing any of these symptoms in a way that is not typical, we encourage you to contact your physician. We encourage anyone in the EISD community who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 to please notify our school by contacting the campus administrator.
Dr. Jason Cochran - Superintendent
Eastland ISD
Maverick and Lady Mav Basketball
Lady Mavs vs Comanche at Marshal Gym
JV @ 5:00
Varsity @ 6:30
This is the Lady Mavs first District game. It will also be our alumni night. We would like to invite all the former Lady Mavs and Mavettes to the game. We want to recognize you all as a group to express our respect and gratitude for all you have done for this program.
Tickets on sale at:
Mavericks vs Jim Ned at Jim Ned High School
JV Red @ 5:15
Varsity @ 6:30
Tickets on sale at:
Maverick Boys Basketball
Tuesday 12/15/20 - HS Boys
@ Jim Ned - Tickets must be purchased online
5:15 - JV Red
6:30 - Varsity boys
Maverick Boys Basketball Schedule Update Friday - 12-11-2020 JV Red vs Gorman @ 5:00 Varsity vs Gorman @ 7:30 All games will be in Gorman
Tickets are available for purchase at the gate.
2021 Eastland County Livestock Show Schedule
ECLRA Show Grounds
475 FM 3101
Eastland, Texas 76448
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
8:00 am-5:00 pm - Art, Canning, Photography & Sewing early entries taken (Eastland County Extension Office)
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
9:00 am - Gates open for animals to be admitted
9:00 am-7:00 pm – Art, Canning, Photography, Sewing & Baking entries taken (Hutto-Humiston Building)
New 4:00 pm - Scales open. —HOGS ONLY
New 5:00 pm - Chicken and Turkey check in
6:00 pm – Chicken and Turkey must be in place.
New 7:00 pm – Poultry show – Broilers followed by Turkeys (Moylan Exposition Arena)
7:00 pm - Hogs must be weighed and in place.
Thursday, January 14, 2021
New 8:00am--Swine show– Breeding followed by Prospect Pigs, then Market (Moylan Exposition Arena)
New 9:00 am—Cattle check in
9:00 am – Ag Mechanics (Hutto-Humiston Building)
New 11:00 am—Cattle must be weighted and heifer papers turned in.
New 2:00 pm – Cattle show –Beef Heifers, then Steers (Outside Showring)
New Immediately following steer show Commercial Heifer Show (Commercial Cattle Pens)
***If bad weather then cattle will show immediately after hog show.
New 4:00 pm –Scales open for lambs, goats and rabbits.
New 7:00 pm—Lambs, goats and rabbits must be weighted and in place.
Breeding rabbits need to check in (do not need to bring breeding rabbits).
Friday, January 15, 2021
8:00 am – Rabbit show (Market followed by Breeding)
New 10:00 am – Angora Goats - Breeding followed by Market (Moylan Exposition Arena)
New 11:00 am – Market Lambs followed by Market Meat Goats (Moylan Exposition Arena)
New 1:00 pm – Breeding Sheep followed by Breeding Meat Goats (Moylan Exposition Arena
5:00 pm – Deadline to remove Art, Canning, Photography, Sewing & Baking exhibits.
Saturday, January 16, 2021
12:00 pm—Buyers Meal
1:00 pm – Auction & Presentation of Awards (Moylan Exposition Arena)
***No animals at the sale
EHS Maverick basketball schedule update for Friday 12/11/20. Boys games vs De Leon - canceled
Girls games vs De Leon - JV @ 5:00, Varsity @ 6:15
Dear Parent/Guardian,
In keeping with Eastland ISD’s practices to respond to COVID-19, we are notifying all student families that a STAFF MEMBER who was lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 was present on the campus of Eastland Middle School on Tuesday, December, 8. Due to privacy requirements, we will not be releasing the name of the individual or details that may identify him or her.
The District is working with local health officials and we have begun a case investigation. Campus administrators have contacted any individuals determined to be in close contact with the infected individual. We will keep you apprised of further updates that may be necessary.
While we do not have reason to believe that those who were not in close contact with the infected individual have reason to be concerned, we ask that you, as always, to watch for symptoms of COVID-19.
Any of the following symptoms indicate a possible COVID-19 infection:
• Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit
• Loss of taste or smell
• Cough
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• Fatigue
• Headache
• Chills
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Shaking or exaggerated shivering
• Significant muscle pain or ache
• Diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
If you or any member of the EISD community does begin experiencing any of these symptoms in a way that is not typical, we encourage you to contact your physician. We encourage anyone in the EISD community who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 to please notify our school by contacting the campus administrator.
Dr. Jason Cochran - Superintendent
Eastland ISD
Maverick and Lady Maverick basketball schedule changes for 12/8/2020
Boys basketball games that were scheduled for tonight in Stamford have been cancelled.
Girls basketball games that are scheduled for tonight in Glen Rose start times have changed to the following:
JV @ 4:30
Varsity @ 5:45
Congratulations to our Eastland Mavericks and their district honors.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
In keeping with Eastland ISD’s practices to respond to COVID-19, we are notifying all student families that a STAFF MEMBER who was lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 was present on the campus of Siebert Elementary School on Friday, December, 4. Due to privacy requirements, we will not be releasing the name of the individual or details that may identify him or her.
The District is working with local health officials and we have begun a case investigation. Campus administrators have contacted any individuals determined to be in close contact with the infected individual. We will keep you apprised of further updates that may be necessary.
While we do not have reason to believe that those who were not in close contact with the infected individual have reason to be concerned, we ask that you, as always, to watch for symptoms of COVID-19.
Any of the following symptoms indicate a possible COVID-19 infection:
• Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit
• Loss of taste or smell
• Cough
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• Fatigue
• Headache
• Chills
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Shaking or exaggerated shivering
• Significant muscle pain or ache
• Diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
If you or any member of the EISD community does begin experiencing any of these symptoms in a way that is not typical, we encourage you to contact your physician. We encourage anyone in the EISD community who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 to please notify our school by contacting the campus administrator.
Dr. Jason Cochran - Superintendent
Eastland ISD
Dear Parent/Guardian,
In keeping with Eastland ISD’s practices to respond to COVID-19, we are notifying all student families that a STAFF MEMBER who was lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 was present on the campus of Siebert Elementary School on Wednesday, December, 2. Due to privacy requirements, we will not be releasing the name of the individual or details that may identify him or her.
The District is working with local health officials and we have begun a case investigation. Campus administrators have contacted any individuals determined to be in close contact with the infected individual. We will keep you apprised of further updates that may be necessary.
While we do not have reason to believe that those who were not in close contact with the infected individual have reason to be concerned, we ask that you, as always, to watch for symptoms of COVID-19.
Any of the following symptoms indicate a possible COVID-19 infection:
• Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit
• Loss of taste or smell
• Cough
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• Fatigue
• Headache
• Chills
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Shaking or exaggerated shivering
• Significant muscle pain or ache
• Diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
If you or any member of the EISD community does begin experiencing any of these symptoms in a way that is not typical, we encourage you to contact your physician. We encourage anyone in the EISD community who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 to please notify our school by contacting the campus administrator.
Dr. Jason Cochran - Superintendent
Eastland ISD
School will dismiss at 11:55 today. Lunch is offered until 12:15, and buses will run at 12:15.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
In keeping with Eastland ISD’s practices to respond to COVID-19, we are notifying all student families that a STUDENT who was lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 was present on the campus of Eastland Middle School on Wednesday December, 2. Due to privacy requirements, we will not be releasing the name of the individual or details that may identify him or her.
The District is working with local health officials and we have begun a case investigation. Campus administrators have contacted any individuals determined to be in close contact with the infected individual. We will keep you apprised of further updates that may be necessary.
While we do not have reason to believe that those who were not in close contact with the infected individual have reason to be concerned, we ask that you, as always, to watch for symptoms of COVID-19.
Any of the following symptoms indicate a possible COVID-19 infection:
• Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit
• Loss of taste or smell
• Cough
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• Fatigue
• Headache
• Chills
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Shaking or exaggerated shivering
• Significant muscle pain or ache
• Diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
If you or any member of the EISD community does begin experiencing any of these symptoms in a way that is not typical, we encourage you to contact your physician. We encourage anyone in the EISD community who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 to please notify our school by contacting the campus administrator.
Dr. Jason Cochran - Superintendent
Eastland ISD