EISD Yearbook Information

The historic 100th edition of The Maverick Yearbook is now on sale. Visit the online store at balfour.com or order on campus. Get the early bird price until February 7th. Get an on-campus order form or order online. Sales are only guaranteed through April 7.

Attention seniors, order your YEARBOOK SENIOR PAGE online, or on campus. Senior page order forms are available in room 205 and must be turned in to reserve a space.

New for the 100th book, past graduates may have his or her name and graduation year in the book! For a donation of $10, your name and class (James Smith Class of 1983) is listed on a special page: "Maverick Roots Run Deep: Still Maverick Proud." For online order, change your FIRST NAME on the order form to your name and class such as: James Class of 83.